The dbg! macro and .inspect

dbg! is a very useful macro that prints quick information. It is a good alternative to println! because it is faster to type and gives more information:

fn main() {
    let my_number = 8;

This prints [src\] my_number = 8.

But actually, you can put dbg! in many other places, and even wrap code in it. Look at this code for example:

fn main() {
    let mut my_number = 9;
    my_number += 10;

    let new_vec = vec![8, 9, 10];

    let double_vec = new_vec.iter().map(|x| x * 2).collect::<Vec<i32>>();

This code creates a new mutable number and changes it. Then it creates a vec, and uses iter and map and collect to create a new vec. We can put dbg! almost everywhere in this code. dbg! asks the compiler: "What are you doing at this moment?" and tells you.

fn main() {
    let mut my_number = dbg!(9);
    dbg!(my_number += 10);

    let new_vec = dbg!(vec![8, 9, 10]);

    let double_vec = dbg!(new_vec.iter().map(|x| x * 2).collect::<Vec<i32>>());


So this prints:

[src\] 9 = 9


[src\] my_number += 10 = ()


[src\] vec![8, 9, 10] = [

and this one, which even shows you the value of the expression:

[src\] new_vec.iter().map(|x| x * 2).collect::<Vec<i32>>() = [


[src\] double_vec = [

.inspect is a bit similar to dbg! but you use it like map in an iterator. It gives you the iterator item and you can print it or do whatever you want. For example, let's look at our double_vec again.

fn main() {
    let new_vec = vec![8, 9, 10];

    let double_vec = new_vec
        .map(|x| x * 2)

We want to know more information about what the code is doing. So we add inspect() in two places:

fn main() {
    let new_vec = vec![8, 9, 10];

    let double_vec = new_vec
        .inspect(|first_item| println!("The item is: {}", first_item))
        .map(|x| x * 2)
        .inspect(|next_item| println!("Then it is: {}", next_item))

This prints:

The item is: 8
Then it is: 16
The item is: 9
Then it is: 18
The item is: 10
Then it is: 20

And because .inspect takes a closure, we can write as much as we want:

fn main() {
    let new_vec = vec![8, 9, 10];

    let double_vec = new_vec
        .inspect(|first_item| {
            println!("The item is: {}", first_item);
            match **first_item % 2 { // first item is a &&i32 so we use **
                0 => println!("It is even."),
                _ => println!("It is odd."),
            println!("In binary it is {:b}.", first_item);
        .map(|x| x * 2)

This prints:

The item is: 8
It is even.
In binary it is 1000.
The item is: 9
It is odd.
In binary it is 1001.
The item is: 10
It is even.
In binary it is 1010.